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This was so refreshing, thank you !!!


Hey, super sweet game! Is there any way for it to be fullscreen?




help cuz the farmer actually looks like my first farmer(and probably the only one i'll use(but i lost all the save data on my first one cuz my tablet broke)and like,first time i made him i tried to get with Sebastian(which is who i decided to play as lol)


this is so cute im going to cry


how come the game isn't loading... am I doing something wrong?

I love it, like, so much. I needed it in my life.

SUPER CUTE!!!!!!!!!


hi, I was wondering if you ever plan to translate the game in different languages one day?


Woo I rizz the famer up in 1 round with both characters 

Love the game ❤️ 


this is a rlly cute game, I love it!!!! <333333

this is SO cute!!


Hey! Love this fan game, the art is stunning and the writing is super cute ^^! I was wondering if you'd be tackling other characters if this game gets enough donations and support? Either way, it's really well-made!


Thank you so much! Glad you like it! We don't have any plans to expand it right now, we can't take any donations for it since it's fan art and not our own characters

Deleted 252 days ago

There’s a walkthrough for Sebastian’s secret ending on my tiktok! Part 17 of the “Reverse Stardew Valley” playlist 


if you need voices for the other characters i'd be happy to voice one if you're having auditions! Also are you gonna be keeping it as just Seb and Abby or will you add more player characters like Maru or Emily?


This is really old, but I would like to voice act as well.


Me too!


was very excited to play but nothing loads in </3 i tried on chrome and microsoft edge hopefully it gets fixed soon ;;

Hey, thanks for the heads up! Not sure what the issue is, would need more info to be able to debug it. Feel free to send me an email ( with more details, like what platform you're on (Mac or PC), any errors in the dev console (Right click > Inspect > Console), etc!


giggling, twirling my hair, kickin my feet and everything


Me too, oh my god this game is soo cute


Hey! I really love your game and you said  "If you want to help us expand it in the future (more characters, more locations, more scenes), feel free to reach out!" so, even tho I'm not that good at art, if you need help for anything ask me! I'm a quick learner and I can help for whatever you want! I can also help translate this game into french if you want to :)

I hope there will be updates where we can play this for a longer amount of time, visit all the places, talk to everyone in town more than once! Love it though!


Great game, it was just a black screen for a while but i just had to wait a bit for it to load, it took like 10-13 minutes but it loaded!


very cute! I'm only able to go to the town and the forest, though. Will the beach, hall, and farm be accessible at some point?


will there be an update where you can play as the other romanceable characters in stardew valley? (btw loved the game!)


bro it took me longer then it should have to pick my character

I saw this game on Instagram and thought it looked adorable. It only took me two tries to get the date with the farmer, but that had more to do with luck than anything else. I loved meeting the other characters, and will try for the secret ending. Wish me luck! 

eyyy this was very sweet ! it took me 3 tries just to romance the farmer,, now i see why i took so long to romance anyone in the game itself

it says that the server ip address could not be found, im on chrome

That's weird, haven't seen that before! Feel free to send me an email ( with more details, like what platform you're on (Mac or PC), any errors in the dev console (Right click > Inspect > Console), etc!

That was so cute! I love this!

i loved it!!

I love this it’s so cute. I wish we could play as the other characters, The other characters as options would be so cool.


its just a black screen, im using chrome and i dont know what to do

Hmm,  not sure what that could be, I thought the issues with Unity had been worked out! Feel free to send me an email ( with more details, like what platform you're on (Mac or PC), any errors in the dev console (Right click > Inspect > Console), etc!


Super sweet. The art is lovely, and it really captures the characters well. I played as Abigail and won the farmer's heart- I especially liked the little scene between Abigail and her mum when speaking about the Flower Dance.

i reastared my laptop

i just have a black screen
I'm on google chrome and it's just black

There was an issue with Unity last week but I think it resolved itself. If you're still seeing that, feel free to shoot me an email ( with more details! 

Absolutely delightful! Charming, well-made, and loyal to the Stardew spirit and characters! This is such a tremendous service to the community.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, from one fan to another. I'd love to get a version where you can choose to be other bachelor/ettes, but it is perfect the way it is.


Black screen not loading :( (I am on chrome btw I tried Edge as well and icognito but it doesn't seem to work)

Uh oh, I'm seeing the same thing... looks like Unity changed something and it broke a backend connection the game needed to load. Looking into it now!

I managed to play it yesterday! It just seems to work sometimes and not work other times because tbf im not sure what I changed that might have affected it. Really cute game was super enjoyable <3


oh my yoba this is SO FRIGGING CUTEEE <3 i never knew I needed a stardew valley meets monster prom...this is so fun. hopefully we get to play other bachelor/ettes soon too uwu

This game is so cute and fun, I do hope that maybe one day there will be more content. But for such a short game it truly is cute and well designed :)

Stardew Valley was already wholesome but the appeal to be able to look through the world in the view of the bachelor/rettes is pretty interesting and cool! I adore the art, so comfy and nice looking, as well as containing a nice story itself! Looking forward if there is any updates regarding this Visual Novel but other than that, ya'll did a great job with this one!


this game is so ADORABLE RAAAAAAAH !!! i love your farmer design!!!! ive never played stardew valley before, but this game makes me really want to !! thank you so much for this beauty!

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